Welcome to the Advocating for Children Together (ACT) 2020 CME Conference!
Consider this page your virtual conference day venue.
CME Verification Requirements: ACT 2020 Attendee Information
Please review the information in the document to the right prior to the start of the conference.
Conference Syllabus
The conference schedule, session descriptions, speaker bios, mentor bios and more can be found on the main conference website.
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9:00am - 12:00pm PST
Welcoming Remarks | Executive Planning Committee
Keynote Speakers - COVID-19 & Health Equity
Public Health Response to COVID-19 & Advocacy | Ayanna Bennett, MD, MPH, FAAP
Health Equity & Structural Racism and Injustices l Tiffani J. Johnson, MD, MSc, FAAP
Combating Anti-Science in Child Health Advocacy | Todd Wolynn, MD, MMM, FAAP
Expert Panel Q&A: What Comes Next
Virtual Advocacy Action: #votekids
Voting is one of the the main ways we can influence the public polices that address health inequities in our communities. Hear from Stephanie Fong Gomez, MD, MS and Noor Chadha, BA, MS2 about the #getoutthevote campaign!
Micro-mentoring Sessions
Speed-dating for advocacy mentorship!
Advocacy Deep Dive
An opportunity to learn from experts in a content area with relevant advocacy skill building.
12:00pm - 1:00pm PST
Climate Change and Health​
Faculty: Hop Hopkins and Kari Nadeau, MD
Session will build pediatricians’ skills in communicating about the climate crisis and advocating for climate solutions and how pediatricians can ally with the youth-led climate movement and influence voters through storytelling.
Mental Health
Faculty: Diane Dooley, MD, MHS, FAAP & Joan Jeung, MD, MPH, FAAP
Session will discuss the unwritten rules of organizational participation and leadership that lead to effective change. Attendees will be presented a resource list of influential committees and collaboratives and will be asked to share their experiences with these, and other policy-change organizations.
Immigrant Health
Faculty: Edith Brancho-Sanchez, MD, Alexandria Valdrighi, MD & Vini Vijayan, MD, FAAP
Session will highlight how immigrant children are unequally impacted by COVID-19 and discuss steps pediatricians and other child health advocates can take to speak up on behalf of immigrant communities.
School Health
Faculty: Renee Wachtel, MD, FAAP & Noemi Spinazzi, MD, FAAP & Hannah Perrin, MD
Session will discuss current school health policies and relevant legislation, and potential advocacy resources for you and your patients.
Legislative Advocacy
Faculty: Zarah Iqbal, MD, MPH & Jacques Corriveau, MD FAAP & Kris Calvin, AAPCA CEO
Session will include how to use online tools to locate and understand current legislative proposals relating to children and pediatrics, and how to make your voice heard, quickly and powerfully, by policymakers on the issues you care most about.
Child Abuse
Faculty: Casey L. Brown, MD, FAAP
Session will focus on the unique features of child abuse and neglect in the era of COVID-19 and highlight ways to advocate for this vulnerable, often difficult to reach population.
1:00pm PST
Closing Remarks & Next Steps
Join us to wrap up the conference and get information about CME credits.
Please take a few minutes to let us know how we did and provide feedback here:
ACT 2020 CME Conference Evaluation